Sunday, November 27, 2011


             The world reached stages very developed science and technology and the exchange of information, so the receiver or not incur bother researcher obtained internet presence has become everything at your fingertips with ease is aware that consist of many branches of the audio-visual that something must be carrying cons and pros. Global site YouTube and you can find different types of educational or useful sections of information searching.

         The first type of use it for YouTube is good. YouTube is helpful for education in variety ways and you can find different lessons. For example: easy to learn English language by watching some clips. Helpful way by watching movie and listen better then reading.

           Another type is use bad some people use YouTube in bad way. YouTube has some not truth clips that might have bad impression. For example: Making bad comments about clips without respect.

           The third used. Some people use YouTube in non –profession way. Wasting time when you watching clips for long time without benefit. YouTube has bad effective on children when they watching clips by their selves without suspension.

         In summary, YouTube is helpful and useful. There are many of use it for YouTube. In the future. Because we can use it in our computer or phones.  

Monday, November 21, 2011

Improving Your Memory

     If you are facing some problems with remembering you daily tasks or the names of your friends or directions of some places you are used to go to, don’t worry it's not only you. According to researchers, memory loss is increasing in incidence as the population ages. Approximately 15 percent of people who live to age 65 will develop memory lose; by 85, the proportion increases to about 35 percent. By the 90s, 50-60 percent are affected. Currently, about four million Americans have Alzheimer's. Before it is too late you can save your memory by trying to improve it. Most people do not realize that we can control memory as they get older. You can improve your memory through simple lifestyle changes that can surprisingly have a great effect on the improvement of your memory.

A healthy diet, however, contributes to a healthy brain because of its ability to cause a big change in your memory. Foods contains antioxidants—broccoli, blueberries, spinach, and berries, for example—and Omega-3 fatty acids appear to promote healthy brain functioning. Start eating apples, avocados, broccoli, tomatoes ,shrimp and fish help to increase your memory. Eating five small meals throughout the day also seems to improve mental functioning (including memory) by limiting dips in blood sugar, which may negatively affect the brain.

Regular aerobic exercises and physical fitness can magically change your life not only your memory since it improves circulation and efficiency throughout the body, including in the brain, and can help ward off the memory loss that comes with aging. Exercise also makes you more alert and relaxed, and can thereby improve your memory uptake, allowing you to take better mental “pictures."Regularly “exercising" the brain as a memory training is one the important tools since it keeps  brain growing and spurs the development of new nerve connections that can help improve memory. You should try   Brainteasers, crossword puzzles and memory exercises, which emphasized verbal skills.You should Brisk daily walks and stretch daily to promote physical fitness, which has been found to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.Chronic stress, although it does not physically damage the brain, but as a result of stress remembering can be much more difficult. After prolonged stress the brain will be damaged. Use stretching and relaxation exercises in order to manage stress. Stress has been found to shrink the memory centers in the brain.

    In conclusion, having some difficulties in memorizing or tending to forgot a lot  even simple things such as ,where did you put your keys ,don’t panic believe me  most of the people around you are experiencing similar symptoms. You should take this matter seriously and just know that improving your memory can be an accomplished task if you follow these life style changes and if you have the right commitment

-Edmonds,Molly.(18 May 2009) .Memory,
-Mohs,Richard .(22 Dec 2002). Improve memory.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Some interesting point about The Arabian Camels

         Arabian camels have been domesticated for approximately 3,500 years and have been long valued as pack animals. Throughout history, humans have in fact assured the survival of camels for thousands of years and quite literally led them to success as a species that they probably would never have had on their own. Furthermore, the camel has played such an important role in Arab culture and have served the needs of humans, and have benefited from that service as a species. In fact,  the  Arabs had used camels for transporting and trading. Nowadays, camels are still important in Arab culture .There are some interesting pint that I write it down to know a little  bit about it .

-      Camels have sympathy for humans and get attached to them, such as if a human was upset with the camel it will be crying all night. 

-    Camels never forget and have incredible memory and can hold a grudge for example, if u didn’t feed it will remember you.

-    Camels eye lashes are so thick.  It was made that way to protect it eyes from the sand

-    Camels have a very good memory and they prefer the dessert and hot and humid rather than the rain but can also live in both.

-     Camels can be over 1 million U.S. dollars or more to buy.

-   There is always one or two camels as a leader , always male.
-      Camels can go without water and food for 8 days in a 50 degree weather.

-    Camels buttermilk can cure aliments also true for its urine.

-     The name comes from the Arabic word “jamel” meaning “beauty”

-    A camels hump does not store water. It stores fat, lessening heat-trapping insulation around the rest of the body 

-     Camels can drink up to 40 gallons of water in one go

-     Their temperature ranges from 34 degrees celsius at night to 41 degrees during the day. They do not begin to sweat until they are 41 degrees 
-    The camels sexual organs is in fact the lining of the mouth extruded during mating calls or sometimes to heighten the effect of “spitting”

-     Camels lie down to rest and sleep and good luck getting them up if they decide they don’t want to.

-.     Camels lips are split to help them graze.

-     They can eat anything including thorny twigs without injuring their mouths

-. Camles can kick in all four directions with each of their legs

-. They can close their eyes against wind and sand when necessary

-. The shape of their nostrils allows them to retain water vapor and return it to the body as fluid

- They can lose 25% of their body fluids without getting dehydrated. Most mammels can only lose 15%

-. Camels are ruminates like cows and goats

-. Eating green plants give them the moisture they need without drinking

- Their coat reflects sunlight and insulate it from the desert heat

-. One of the camels defense is “spitting” where they essentially throw up a foul smelling greenish fluids from their stomach all over you when provoked. For those who have experienced it, it seems never ending and is never forgotten.

-. Camels feces are so dry, they are used for fuel and their urine is thick as syrup

-. Camels have been used in wars throughout history, especially in the desert regions,