Sunday, November 27, 2011


             The world reached stages very developed science and technology and the exchange of information, so the receiver or not incur bother researcher obtained internet presence has become everything at your fingertips with ease is aware that consist of many branches of the audio-visual that something must be carrying cons and pros. Global site YouTube and you can find different types of educational or useful sections of information searching.

         The first type of use it for YouTube is good. YouTube is helpful for education in variety ways and you can find different lessons. For example: easy to learn English language by watching some clips. Helpful way by watching movie and listen better then reading.

           Another type is use bad some people use YouTube in bad way. YouTube has some not truth clips that might have bad impression. For example: Making bad comments about clips without respect.

           The third used. Some people use YouTube in non –profession way. Wasting time when you watching clips for long time without benefit. YouTube has bad effective on children when they watching clips by their selves without suspension.

         In summary, YouTube is helpful and useful. There are many of use it for YouTube. In the future. Because we can use it in our computer or phones.  

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