Sunday, October 23, 2011


         On October 12th 1992, Mustafa Mohammed  27 years old a  waiter who lives in Cairo,Egypt, He had a tragic experience with the earthquake which happened in Cairo on 1992 . While he was a sleep in his room he felt something heavy on top of him. When he tried to get up he couldn't, he felt as thou something was holding him back. Finally, he opened he's eyes and saw that the whole roof top had collapsed on him. He didn’t know what to do. His whole body was numb and he couldn’t move a muscle. He stayed stranded in this situation for 2 days. During this time he had no food or water. Out of hunger he had no choice but to eat the cotton out of the mattress to survive. He could hear emergency vehicles passing outside. His mouth and throat were so dry he was unable to call out for help. He knew if he didn't try to help himself get out of this situation he would be left to die. He used all his strength and managed to pull his bed sheet out of the ruble. He was close enough to the window that he threw the sheet out and waved it like a flag. Luckily, a rescue worker saw the sheet and brought help. Life is full of unexpected experiences that can be life changing. Mustafa believed he was given a second chance at life. Vowing to live everyday like it was his last, being more thankful and appreciative. It took a near death experience "you have to stop and smell the roses".


  1. This is an interesting story. Did you know the person? Why did you decide to write about it?

  2. yes is true, and I met this man 4 years ago when I went to egypt.that why.
