Sunday, October 9, 2011

Strange Story.

When he got home, and as entered the house. He realized everything had changed. Wynn is a 30 year old male, 5’10ft and 170 pounds he grew up in Seattle. In his entire childhood He was a snow boarder traveled the world with his snowboard. He came from a poor family. At age 10 his parents had passed away, and  he realized he had to make it on his own. So he decided when he was 10 ,he would  to learn how to snowboard  to make money and support himself.  It came to a point of time when he thought he couldn’t make it, When all he had is himself and no one to believe in him. As he turned 25 he thought to himself that he had to make a better life for himself, and he couldn’t live this kind of life, One morning he woke up and start packing his bags and took everything with him as he start walking down the street, he saw his friend and start waving at him shouting his name out “Mike Mike” he called out several times but mike couldn’t hear him, he had his headphones on ,so Wynn start running down the street to approach him, while he was on the street this big van ran over him that haven’t seen Wynn running . Wynn was in the emergency room as he woke up the nurse was calling him saying “sir sir” do u have any relatives I can reach to, He started to open his mouth and all he could say” where am I”  !!
                 The nurse start calling his name out she start saying Mr. Wynn can you hear me, Wynn? Who is Wynn “he said” ? Wynn was in a coma for 5 years and when he woke up he had lost his memory. As the day he left the hospital they gave him his wallet and bag ,he had with him while he opened it all he could find was a picture of his family that he didn’t recognize,  and his ID card saying where he lived. He thought it would help him to get back to his home town. As he entered the house it was empty and dusty . There was nothing but picture frames posted of him and at that moment Wynn realized that everything had changed .

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