Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Why I like Living With a Host Family.

        Living with a host family was not one of my options, because of the difficulty  of living in a new environment  and exploring it with new people,  many people gave me a bad impression about how hard it is  living with a host family and not having your own privacy, But it turned out for me to be a wonderful experience. 
      The reason why I like and chose to be living with a host family is because it turned out to be the opposite of what people have said, I find it quite enjoyable and  peaceful.

          Living with a host family is like living with your own family. At the beginning   I thought it was going to be difficult to be so far away from my family and being homesick, but  I had the chance to experience with my host family and was lucky because they made me feel like I was home.

          One of the main reasons that made me felt like I was at home , when I come back from my university and I find the house clean and fresh, for example: having a busy schedule does not give you time to clean, cook and wash. I arrive at the evening exhausted and not having enough energy, The host family can help you with many things, first of all when you feel lost there would be someone to guide you and lead you to the right direction. Second of all they try to make you feel like you are one of the family member and give you there time to truly help to improve .

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